UpdatedIt changes rapidly
This data updates every 15 minutes and might not reflect some cases still being reported.
It only includes people tested
Numbers are based on official estimates, which may not account for unverified cases in countries lacking the proper infrastructure to diagnose patients.
There may be discrepancies from other sources
We aggregate coronavirus data from over 30 sources. When there is a discrepancy, we report the higher infected/recovered/deceased count. These sources update at different times and may have different ways of gathering data.
The sources are not actively monitored
A change in a source may result in inaccurate/no data being reported for the associated region.
COVID-19 is a never before encountered member of the coronavirus family. Fostering its growth in a Wuhan food market, the virus has now spread to 187 nations and counting.
Stay InformedView information about how the world is responding to the virus by enacting travel bans, closing borders, and much more. Also find out the impact the virus has had on your local community.
View BansSee the spread of the Novel Coronavirus from January 22, 2020 to current day in a map visualization to understand the rate of growth and global impact the virus has had thus far.
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